Thursday, November 29, 2012

AndroidScreencast on Samsung Galaxy S III (4.04 Jellybean)

[Update 2]:  As of 2015, just forget about AndroidScreencast and go with Teamviewer. It (mostly) just works.

Original post below.

I can't get it to work.

[Update]:  Just figured out the latest Android update broke my root access, so I can't chmod the device properly.  Will have to wait until a new upgrade rom is available, I guess.

You can try the instructions here, but they are (at best) incomplete.  Useful links below, you have to put all the pieces together yourself.


  1. The Android SDK landing page has changed.  What you want to get is the SDK installer executable file.  Click "Download for Other Platforms" to see the Windows .exe file, which is what you want.  Don't use the "Download Package" button you see first - clock "Download for Other Platforms", look for "SDK Tools Only", Windows EXE file.
  2. When you install, do yourself a favor and put the installation in an easy-to-find directory.  You will be needing to find it very soon.  Having a long path name is a pain.
  3. RUN the SDK Manager.  You will get a list of packages available to install.  Install "Android SDK Platform-tools".
  4. Make sure your devices has the USB debugging enabled.  Only works over USB, so plug phone in.
  5. Check that you can "see" your phone using "adb devices".  "adb" is in the installation directory - told you that you were going there soon.
  6. To get OUT of ADB (i.e. quit) try Control-D and/or "exit'" command.

My try failed at the chmod 777 for dalvik-cache, which I cannot execute although my phone is rooted.  Information suggests that AndroidScreencast doesn't work on Jellybean at all, because some APIs have been rewritten and the application has not kept pace.

So you can see the phone but not control it.  Not terribly useful for me.

Useful link 1
Useful link 2
Useful link 3

Good luck, hope you have more success than I did.

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